Select a Gift of Joy below to bring critical relief and God’s love to people affected by war, famine, natural disaster, poverty and disease in Australia and around the world.
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Where Most Needed Gift
Your gift to Samaritan’s Purse Where Most Needed funding equips us to respond quickly when crisis strikes.
Help Aussie Households in Disaster
$50.00Your gift provides the opportunity for our volunteers to share Christ’s love with affected Aussies to help them see a path forward.
Sammy the Koala: Australian Disaster Relief
Your gift to Samaritan’s Purse Australian Disaster Relief provides hope to fellow Australians affected by disaster. Gifts of $100 or more receive a plush koala sporting our iconic orange T-shirt.
Feed a Hungry Baby
$9.00Your gift will provide a week of food for a baby who is at risk of extreme hunger, giving them nutrient-dense food that will help their bodies develop.
Feed a Family
$75.00Your gift will provide a month of nutritious food for a hungry family, and open doors for us to provide hope.
Give a Baby Kit
$75.00Your gift blesses a mum in Vietnam with a gift bag when they attend a health and nutrition workshop hosted by their local traditional birth attendant.
Put a Stop to Human Trafficking
$150.00Your gift equips us to teach vulnerable students and adults around the world about unsafe migration and exploitation before it begins.
Bring Clean Water to a Community
$75.00Your gift can help us provide clean water to communities hard-hit by disaster or villages where water is scarce.
Filter for a Family
$100.00Your gift will bless a family with clean water so that they might come to experience Christ’s living water.
Drill a Well
$10,000.00Your gift will drill a village well to quench their physical thirst and also satisfy their spiritual thirst for the Gospel.
Baby Chicks
$10.00For a gift of $10, we can provide a needy family with a dozen chicks, a coop, and basic veterinary care—so a family will have eggs to eat or sell for income for many years to come.
$20.00Your gift will provide a hive, equipment and training for a new beekeeper in countries like Cambodia, Kenya, and Iraq.
Help a Farming Family
$55.00Your gift will help farming families reap a plentiful harvest as we provide tools, seeds and training, and lets them know that an abundant spiritual harvest also awaits those who trust in Christ.
Help a Family Raise Livestock
$350.00Your gift demonstrates God’s love in a tangible way by teaching impoverished families to care for livestock, which can be a valuable source of income.
Help a Family Survive Disaster
$50.00A Gift of $50 provides physical relief and spiritual comfort to a family recovering from disaster.
Care for Refugees
$125.00Your gift will help us relieve the suffering of weary refugees who are trying to start over and build a new life.
Teach a Child to Read and Write
$55.00Your gift can provide a student with new learning materials and trained teachers, which will improve their engagement and literacy rates.
Equip an Entire Classroom
$500.00Your gift equips an entire classroom with high quality resources for children to cultivate a better future for themselves and their families.
Give a Copy of God’s Word
$10.00Your $10 gift provides a Bible or other Gospel materials that will bring peace and eternal hope to those in need.
Build a House of Worship
$150.00Your gift equips groups of believers with resources that will help grow and strengthen their Gospel outreach.
Adopt a Shoebox
$12.50Some shoebox gifts are packed by people who are unable to give the $12.50 needed for shipping and related costs. By adopting a shoebox, you are partnering with us to send the great joy of the Gospel to boys and girls in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Disciple a Child
$10.00Your gift can provide discipleship materials, teacher training and a copy of God’s Word so a child can participate in The Greatest Journey.