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Help a Farming Family


Korpo was fearful that her children would suffer malnutrition as so many others had in Monrovia, Liberia. Few families in the urban area knew how to grow food successfully, and this lack created life-threatening deficiencies.

Through our livelihoods project, we taught Korpo how to grow vegetables in her small garden. She also learned about budgeting and how to sell her okra, eggplant, and peppers for additional income.

“I feel strong. I am grateful to God. He is using my hands and the ground to provide for us,” she said. We want farming families worldwide to know that Jesus loves them. Your $55 gift will provide tools, seeds, and training to help them reap an abundant harvest.

 Foldable E-Card example.

*This gift is tax-deductible for Australian taxpayers. Donations received in excess of the need for the project advertised will be applied to a similar project.