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Papua New Guinea Landslide Relief

Landslides triggered by heavy rains struck the Tulpar community in the Enga Province, Papua New Guinea on 24 May 2024. An estimated 160 people have been killed, leaving hundreds more displaced.

Samaritan’s Purse is working with and equipping local church partners in the Enga Province with resources to help those displaced. Churches are providing the daily necessities for families displaced from their homes. As the community mourns those who have been lost, the church stands in the gap to provide spontaneous support to families of survivors.

We are equipping the local church with resources to meet the needs of their community in the crisis, and in doing so be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We stand with Church partners in PNG supporting the needs of survivors as the clean-up and rebuilding continues. Please pray for these pastors and Christians leaders in PNG to be emboldened as they lead the church on the front lines of this disaster.

Your support to Papua New Guinea provides the opportunity to support those who have been affected by the landslide.

Photo credit: STR / AFP

*This gift is tax-deductible for Australian taxpayers. Donations received in excess of the need for the project advertised will be applied to a similar project.