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Filter for a Family


Chivy and her siblings were often absent from school because they were sick. Her parents sometimes missed work because of illness. The family’s meagre savings would quickly
dry up as they struggled to recover. All of these hardships came because their village in Cambodia lacked a clean water source. Samaritan’s Purse provided Chivy’s family a
household filter that is now a source of safe drinking water.

Most importantly, Chivy experienced God’s love through this practical provision. For $100, you can bless a family with clean water so that they might come to experience Christ’s living water. “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

Foldable E-card PDF example.

*This gift is tax-deductible for Australian taxpayers. Donations received in excess of the need for the project advertised will be applied to a similar project.